Ein niederdeutsches Gedicht · A Low Saxon (Low German) Poem Klaus Groth, Quickborn, 1856 · English: Reinhard F. Hahn
Melodie/Tune: Johannes Schondorf MIDI: R. F. Hahn, ©2002
Song Excerpt: Hannes Wader Plattdeutsche Lieder
Wenn Abends roth de Wulken treckt, So denk ik och! an di! So trock verbi dat ganze Heer, Un du weerst mit derbi.
When close to dusk red clouds go by, Oh, how I think of you! That’s how the army once went by. And you? You were there too.
Wenn ut de Böm de Blæder fallt, So denk ik glik an di: So full so menni brawe Jung, Un du weerst mit derbi.
When leaves fall from the autumn trees, That’s when I think of you. Many a good lad fell like that. And you? You’ve fallen too.
Denn sett ik mi so truri hin Un denk so vel an di. Ik et alleen min Abendbrot – Un du büst nich derbi.
And then I sit me down all sad And think so much of you. I have my supper all alone ... I have it without you.
©2002–2009 • Author & Webmaster: Reinhard F. Hahn • International copyright applies to all contents. This presentation is dedicated to the memory of Clara Kramer-Freudenthal.