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St. Jacob’s Path
Van Harinxa Canal
Western Australia

Basic Travel Phrases:

Low Saxon (Neddersassish, Plattdüütsh)

Compiled by Reinhard F. Hahn, Seattle, Washington, USA

Note that this language has no standard dialect and no standard spelling.
This version of the list shows Low Saxon more “phonetically” written
Pronunciation: ā as in Standard Dutch, å like “aw”, ey like “ay” or as in “lie”, e as in “fair”, oy as in French oeil or as in “boy”, ou as in “snow”, āu as in “cow”, ay as in “lie”, y as in “see”, short u as in “put”, oe as in French cœur or German böse, uy like long German “ü” and French “u”, ç as in German ich, x as in German lach, w like “v”, v like “v” or “b” before a vowel or ’, j as in “yes” or in “yes”, ŋ as in “sing”, g always as in “go”, an accent sign shows a stressed (emphasized) syllable

Click > German spelling

Hello! Hi! moyn! ~ dax!
Welcome! (fun hā́rtn) wilkǻm-m! 
Good morning! (goudn) mórgŋ
Good day! (goudn) dáx! 
Good evening! (goudn) ǻvmt! 
Good night! (góude) náxt!
Good bye! atshúys!
How are you? wou gā́yt? 
I’m well. And you? (dat gā́yt) gout. un dý? polite: un jóu (~ zéy)?
See you later! bit lǻter!
Thank you! ik dā́ŋk! 
Thank you for everything! ik dā́ŋk för ā́lns!
You’re welcome. (Don’t mention it!) niç dǻr för. 
Excuse me ... [requesting attention] niks för úngout dat ik jou (~ zey) belémmern dou.
I beg your pardon. Sorry. [apologizing] niks för úngout.
What’s your name? wou héytst (du)? polite: wou héyt zey?
My name is ... ik heyt ... 
Where are you from? wóu-néem kümst (du) fun áf? polite: wóu-néem kåmt zey fun áf?
I’m from ... ik kåm fun ...
This is ... dat is ...
I have ... ik heff...
I am ... ik bün ...
He/ she is ... hey/ zey is... 
We are ... wy zünt ...
They are ... zey zünt ...
Pleased to make your acquaintance! (dat is myn) plezéyr.
I want to learn ... ik wil ... leyrn.
I don’t understand. ik ferstǻ niç.
Not so fast! niç zo gā́u!
I don’t speak ... ik snak keyn ...
Do you speak ...? snáks(t) (du) ...? polite: snákt zey...?
Where can one hear people speak ... around here? wóu-néem kānst hyr dey luy(d) ... snakŋ höörn?
I’m lost. We’re lost. ik bün uut de móyt (loupm). wy zünt uut dey móyt (loupm). ~
ik heff my ferb‎ýstert. wy hebt u(n)s ferb‎ýstert.
Can you help me/ us? kānst (du) my/ u(n)s mål hélpm? polite: kœnt zey my/ u(n)s mål hélpm?
Where is ...? wóu-néem gift dat hyr ... ~ wóu-néem is hyr ...?
There is no ... here. hyr gift dat keyn ..
I am looking for a room /hotel/ pension/ restaurant/ pub. ik soyk nån stúuv (~ kǻmer)/ gást-huus/ paŋzyóon/ króux.
Do you have a vacant room? hebt jy ’n léddige stúuv (~ kǻmer)?
How many? wou féel?
How much? wou féel?
How much does it/ this/ that cost? wou féel köst dat?
Too much. tou féel.
That’s too expensive. dat is tou dúyr.
That’s enough. dat is nóux.
More! meyr!
I’ll take/ buy it. ik néem/ kóyp dat.
What is this? wat is dat (hyr)?
What is this called? wou nóymt zik dat? ~ wou héyt dat?
This one. dǘt (hyr). ~ dít (hyr).
That one. dát (dår).
These ones. dǘsse (hyr).
Those ones. déy dår.
Do you take credit cards? neemt jy kredýt-kårtn ān?
Now. nu.
Later. låter.
Yes. jå.
No. ney.
Yes, please. jå, wéez zo gout.
No, thanks. ney. ik bedā́ŋk my lýkers.
OK. All right. ālns klǻ́r.
All (of it). ālns.
Nothing. None of it. niks. ~ gǻ́r niks.
I don’t want it. ik wíl dat niç (hébm).
Take a seat! gå zítn! polite: gåt zey zítn!
I am hungry/ thirsty/ exhausted/ sick. ik bün smáxtiç/ dö́́rstiç/ fā́diç/ zúyk.
I like it. dat zeçt my tóu.
I don’t like it. dat zeçt my niç tóu.
It’s delicious. (dat) smekt lékker.
It’s beautiful. dat is shóyn.
It’s terrible. dat is gréeziç.
That’s (very) ... dat is (bánniç) ...
Is there ...? Do you have any ...? gift dat ...? ~ hebt jy ...?
I don’t know. dat wéet ik niç.
One moment, please. (wéez zo gout un) tóyv mål ’n momā́ŋ.
I’m not interested. dǻr heff ik keyn fermǻk ān.
This is mine/ ours. dat hoyrt mý/ ú(n)s tou.
Watch out! Be careful! fö́rziçt! ~ kyk úut!
Leave me alone! låt my toufréedn!
Go away! wår dy wéç!
Stop that! hould úp (mit den krǻm)!~ lǻt dat!
Let (me) go! låt my lóos!
Stop! Halt! hould stóp!
Help! tou hǘlp!

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