Song, Dance,
Musical Instruments,
Poetic Pursuits
liederen, dansen, muziekinstrumenten en poëzie
Musik, Lieder, Tänze, Musikinstrumente und Dichtkunst
inging is undoubtedly one of mankind’s earliest pastime activities. All you need for it is your voice.
You can sing while performing chores. You can enjoy
it alone or in groups, and you can develop songs by adding grace notes,
harmonies, new words, instrumental accompaniment and free interpretation.
Songs tell stories or send messages. In fact, all stories used to be
told in song form. You can sing while dancing, as was still done until
especially in the absence of instrumental accompaniment, and children
still do it in play dancing. All dance basically needs is rhythm, if
nothing else than the tapping of feet. Musical instrument making technology
goes back a long way. Some instruments
have since
rare or
extinct and rediscovering them is some people’s passion, as is the rediscovery of old songs and dances.