den Cursor (ohne zu klicken) auf ein schwieriges Wort in der Originalfassung
legen, um
die Bedeutung zu sehen.
Please place your cursor (without clicking) onto any word in the Low Saxon version
to reveal its meaning.
What’s heartache, tears, despair
Means nothing to you there.
No medication cures that pain.
No software program can explain
What’s heartache, tears, despair.
’kharrwunnerwarktbi’teersteMaal in’nDüüsternvullvunrustfreeStahl vunelektroonsche
Reedschupp, de dienunboorn’n
The miracle filled me with awe
The first time I sat there and saw
Your shape displayed in a dark room
With gadgets made from steel.
DröömnusöteDrööm vunDeerten, Blomen, Bööm, vunSpääln, StudeernunHochtiedsfest unwatdusüst nich krägenhest! DröömnusöteDrööm!
May sweet dreams come to you
Of things of every hue,
Of toys, books, courting, family bliss
And other things you’ll have to miss!
May sweet dreams come to you!
watdaarmalöör, asikdatPiepsennich mehrhöör, asFlorenœverOgenfulln … DeKüllkrööp in mirin.
And then my heartbeat skipped and hopped
When suddenly the beeping stopped,
When mourning veils fell across eyes …
A chill invaded me.