Plattdüütsch Sprak, du büst uns as ein leiwe Mudder.
Alle Tieden willn wi giern mit di gahn.
Mudderleiw, wi möten oft all üm di bängen.
Hüer, dien Aten de möt ümmer bestahn.
Ost un West un Nuurd un Süd,
Wi holln tauhop. Ja, noch is Tied.
Lowlands steiht uns truug tau Sied.
C (Refrain):
Lowlands, Lowlands, Sprakenbom,
büst för mi de schönste Blom.
Flüggt ein König üm de Welt,
Plattdüütsch oewerall vertellt.
Lowlands, Lowlands, wi gahn Spoor,
löppt sei ok mal scheif un swor.
Morgenland un Abendland
gäben sick bi di de Hand.
Sounds of our language, songs of our mother,
walk us lightly and firmly through time!
All the way we’ll sing and join with many other
voices in a beautiful chime:
North and south, east and west
meeting in you, we are blessed
with a basis for the best.
C (chorus):
Lowlands, Lowlands language tree,
like a leaf I cling to thee.
Thanks to you there’s all around
our earth a homely sound.
Lowlands, Lowlands, on your trace
everywhere smiles kinship’s face.
All the world’s ends meet in you
for a friendship firm and true