
Many thanks to the contributors to this website:



Creator / Designer: Mathieu van Woerkom
Webmasters: Reinhard "Ron" F. Hahn & Mathieu van Woerkom

We thank Dianna Harbin on whose idea and recommendation this project is based.


The members of the electronic forum Lowlands-L have certain basic interests and goals in common. However, the forum accommodates a range of views and opinions and does not endorse any specific ones. While Lowlands-L sponsors this project, the respective authors rather than Lowlands-L as a group are responsible for the use of source material and for the views expressed in the works exhibited here.

The owner of this website is not responsible for any contents of other persons’ pages linked to from this site. If any damage occurs by the use of information presented there, only the authors of the respective pages would be liable, not the one who has linked to those pages.
