B. Müller-Hahn - My Islands : Oil Paintings
B. Müller-Hahn - My Islands : Oil Paintings

Ölmalerei und Lyrik Масляная живопись Pintura a óleo Pintura al óleo Pittura ad olio Peintures à l’huile Olieschilderijen Deutsch Nederlands Français Italiano Español Português Русский <title>B. Müller-Hahn - My Islands : Oil Paintings
The painter and writer B. Müller-Hahn lives and works as a freelance artist in the northern part of the Lunenburg Heath (Lüneburger Heide) in Lower Saxony, Germany.

The focal point of her work consists of oil painting as well as poetry and prose.

She often displays her own poetry alongside her oil paintings.

Timmhorstkamp 8 a · D-21255 Tostedt · Germany
Telephone: 04182/22158 · Email: mueller_hahn@t_online.de
Own Gallery: lowlands-l.net/mueller-hahn/  

©2009, B. Müller-Hahn – All images and texts are protected by copyright.
Webmaster and Translator: R. F. Hahn