![]() Heinz Kramer (1943–2003) |
Saxon in the original orthography:
Uns Heiner vun Clara Kramer-Freudenthal (19. Iesmoond 2003) Siet 13 Johr schrief ik Week för Week jedeen Sünnobend in mien Modersprook mien Kolumne för de „Norderstedter Zeitung”. Ümmer hebb ik mien Lesers weten loten woans dat üm mi steiht, un woans dat in mi utsüht. So swoor wüür mien Hatt noch nie nich. Uns Grootsöhn Jimmy is jüst ut de Döör. He mütt trüch no Australien woneem he leeft. Op den Dag nau för vierteihn Doog, den 05. in ‘n Iesmoond 2003 is uns Söhn Heiner, Jimmy sien Vadder, för ümmer vun uns gohn. De Kreeft hett em opfreten. Uns Jung’ hett nu sien Freden un keen Pien mihr. Gott Voder hett em to sik ropen. Will höpen, dat he in een betere Welt ankoom is. So, as uns Gloov uns dat seggt, warrt he dor boben op uns teuben. Mien Mamma hett to mi seggt no de Flucht ut Swinemünn: „Mien Diern, Gott gifft Di nich mihr to dregen, as Du dregen kannst”. So swoor as no mien Heiner sien Dood, hebb ik ober noch nie nich drogen. Siet Wiehnachten wüssen uns Kinner al dat Heiner swoorkrank in Victoria (Kanada) in ‘t Hospiz liggt. Se hebbt uns dat ober bet Oldjohrsobend verswegen. Nu müssen se jo ruut mit de Sprook, denn uns Heiner harr an’n Neejohrsdag Burtsdag. Sien 60. Lebensjohr hett he dor vullendt. Kloor, dat Mudder un Vadder em to Huus in Kanada anropen wulln, so as Johr för Johr. Wi hebbt unsen Jung ober in ‘t Sükenhuus anropen müßt. No mien Gratulotschoon hebb ik froogt: „Woans geiht Di dat, mien Jung?” Sien Anter wüür swack, kuum wohrtonehm: „Mutti, schlimmer kann’s nicht kommen”. Nu wüß ik wat ik to doon harr. De Klönkassen hett sik heet lopen.
För uns leevt uns Heiner in sien Kinner un Grootkinner wieder; dat is een groten Troost för uns. James, wi neumt em Jimmy, is vun sien Vadder un Grootvadder Heinz een Afklatsch in’t Utsehn. Jeedeen Obend Klock negen hebbt wi anropen bi unsen Heiner. De Swestern hebbt uns seggt, as dat een Obend een lütt beten loter worrn wüür, is he gans unruhig worrn. Iers as he uns Stimm hüürt hett, wörr he warrer ruhiger. He wull bloots uns Stimm hüürn. 40 Johr hett uns Jung in Kanada leevt. Ober de letzten Weken hett he veel düütsch snackt mit sien Betreuers. Villicht dörch uns telefoneern? In dat Hospiz wüür ober een Süster ut Lübeck; de hett em ok pleegt. Op den Trüchweg vun Victoria no Australien hett uns Jimmy noch för een Week Stotschoon bi uns mookt. He hett ok den Anroop ut dat Hospiz vun sien Vadder sien Afleben annohm. Wüür good för uns, dat uns Dochder Müsi (Gertrude) un Grootsöhn Jimmy sik mit dat Hospiz in perfektet Ingelsch ünnerhooln kunn. Een poor Doog för sien Dood hett mien Heining, nodem ik em Tschüß seggt harr, gans liesen antert: „Tschüß Mutti”. Dat wüürn sien letzten Wüür de ik ut sien Mund hüürt hebb. De beiden Wüür warr ik wull ümmer hüürn, wenn ik in mien Dinken bi em bün. Se sitt deep in mien Hatt. Toletzt kunn he nich mihr antern; de Knööf hebbt fehlt. Hebb mien Jung nich nochmool de Hand drücken, em nich mihr öber sien Kopp strieken kunnt. O, dat deit weeh. Uns Jimmy is warrer in Australien. De Afscheed is swoor fulln. Ober Gott meent dat liekers good mit uns, denn uns Söhn Diether mit sien Renate, uns Dochder Müsi mit ehrn Schorsch, un uns Frünn’n Christel un Jürgen stoht uns Dag för Dag to Siet. Se geevt uns Moot un Kraft dat Swore to dregen. Mit dat Öbersetten vun den Riemel »Dein Wille geschehe« hebb ik mi fleten Week mien Pien vun de Seel schreben. Ümmer warrer geiht mi de Satt »Dien Will’ schall schehn« dörch mien Kopp. Warrt ok noch duurn, bet ik dat seggen kann. Sluten müch ik mit een chinesschet Seggwuurt „Es ist der größte Fluch der Götter, wenn Eltern die eigenen Kinder überleben.” Wi wohr, wi wohr!! Dor liggt soveel Wohrheit binn. Dat weet ik nu iers, nodem uns Heiner vun uns gohn is. Melinda hett ehrn Vadder sien Wunsch, sien Asch’ an de See öbergeben, wohr mookt. Nu kann ik keen Graff plegen. Hebb mi een Dinksteed inricht. Een Bleck vull mit Rosen hett uns Gorner för em plant. (Uns Heiner harr Blomen un Deerten liekso giern as ik.) Ut mien Boodstuuvfinster kiek ik dorropp. Nu segg ik mien Heiner no’n Opstohn „Gun’ Morgen“, un iehr ik slopen goh „Gun’ Nacht”. Ik gläuv, mien Jung hüürt mi. Dissen Riemel hett mien Heiner mi to ‘n Mudderdag schreben as he üm de 16 Johr old wüür:
Dein HeinerHier de annere Riemel:
De Autor
is nich bekannt. |
translation by R. F. Hahn:
Our Heiner by Clara Kramer-Freudenthal (February 19, 2003) Every Saturday now, for 13 years, I have been writing my weekly column for the newspaper Norderstedter Zeitung. I have always let my readers in on how things are going for me and how I am doing mentally and emotionally. Never before have I had such a heavy heart. Our grandson Jimmy just walked out the door. He had to return to Australia, which is where he lives. Two weeks ago to the day, on February 5, 2003, our son Heiner—Jimmy’s dad—has left us for good. Cancer ate him up. Our son is now in peace and free of pain. God, our father, has called him to his side. I hope he has gone to a better world. According to our faith, he is waiting for us there. After my escape from Świnoujście (Swienemünde), my mum said to me, “Sweetheart, God doesn’t give you more to bear than you can stand to bear.” Never before have I borne as much and anything as grave as what I have been bearing since my Heiner’s death. Our children had already known since Christmas that Heiner was lying gravely ill in a hospice in Victoria (Canada). But they had kept it to themselves until New Year’s Eve. That is when they could keep it secret no longer, because New Year’s Eve is our Heiner’s birthday. He had completed his 60th year in that place. Naturally, his mum and dad were going to call him at his house in Canada, as they had done every year. So now we had to call our son in the hospital. After wishing him a happy birthday I asked, “How are you doing, son?” His response was faint, difficult to hear. “Mom, it couldn’t be worse.” Now I knew what I needed to do. The phone reached the overheating point. His son James in Australia and his daughters Michelle and Chantal in Toronto needed to be informed. James and Chantal immediately made arrangements and flew to their father’s side for a week. This was very good for him. They stayed at their half-sister Melinda’s. Melinda had done a lot for her father up to his last hours. Heiner’s daughter Michelle was not able to travel; she had just given birth to little Jordan. Heiner still found out about having a second grandchild. But he did not get to see Jessica and Jordan. In our minds, Heiner continues to live in his children and grandchildren. That is a great source of solace for us. James—we call him Jimmy—is the spitting image of his father and of his grandfather Heinz. We called our Heiner every night at nine. The nurses told us that he had been a bit on edge when we called later that usual one evening. He calmed down only when he heard our voices. Our son had lived in Canada for 40 years. During his last weeks he often addressed his caretakers in German. Perhaps because of our calls? But in the hospice there was a nurse from Lübeck. She ended up looking after him. Our Jimmy stopped over at our place for a week on his way back to Australia. It was he who took the call from the hospice informing us of his father’s passing. It was good thing that our daughter Müsi (Gertrude) and our grandson Jimmy were able to communicate with the hospice in perfect English. A few days before his death, when I had said good-bye, my Heining replied with a very soft voice, “Bye, Mom.” Those were the last words I heard from his mouth. I’ll probably hear those words for all times, whenever he is in my thoughts. They are embedded deeply in my heart. The last few times we called he could not answer; he did not have the strength. I was not able to hold my son’s hand time and stroke his head once more. Oh, this hurts! Our Jimmy is back in Australia. It was hard to say good-bye. But God probably means well for us, because our son Diether and his Renate, our daughter Müsi with her Schorsch (Georg), and our friends Christel and Jürgen stand by us every day. They give us courage and strength to bear the hard lot.
I want to end with a Chinese proverb: “For parents to survive their children is the gods’ utmost curse.” How true, how true! There is a lot of truth to it. It is only now that I know so, now that our Heiner has left us. According to her father’s wish, Melinda scattered her father’s ashes in the ocean. I can’t take care of a grave now. I have made myself a little memorial. Our gardener planted a bed of roses for him. (Our Heiner loved flowers and animals just as much as I do.) I can look at it from my bathroom window. These days I say to my Heiner “Good morning” after I get up and “Good night” when I go to bed. I believe my son can hear me. The following is a poem my Heiner wrote for me [in German] for Mother’s Day when he was 16 years old:
Your HeinerHere is the other poem:
Author unknown. Low German translation by Clara Kramer-Freudenthal [Translation by R. F. Hahn, ©2004] |
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Düsse Siedenserie ward vun Reinhard F. Hahn (sassisch@geocities.com) rutgeven. Alle Warken sünd rechtlich schütt un dröfft nich ahn Verlööf (Clara.Kramer@t-online.de) wiedergeven warrn. De Achtergrund is 'n Tackendook, dat vun Fro Kramer-Freudenthal ehr egene Hand maakt worrn is.This page series is being published by Reinhard F. Hahn (sassisch@geocities.com). All work are copyrighted and may not be distributed without permission (Clara.Kramer@t-online.de). The background is a handkerchief with lace border made by Ms. Kramer-Freudenthal's own hand.